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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Madden NFL 08 System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2007-05-13 00:11:52 Views : 57200 Advertising This glitch has worked in every Madden for PS2 since owner mode was created. Set your advertising budget as high as you like and play or sim your game. You can sim all games in a week except Monday Night Football, do not sim the Monday night game. Now go back into owner mode and set your advertising back to zero, then sim any remaining games on the schedule for that week. You will get the added attendance and revenue of advertising but will not have to pay for it. Obviously this does not work if you are hosting Monday Night Football. Always have first pick in draft Start a franchise with the trade deadline off. Sim or play the season to Week 17. Find out which team has the worst record. Trade your first draft pick for their first pick and they will always accept. Note: You can also do this with second through seventh draft picks as well. Fantasy Challenge mode Make sure you have all the desired players from that league on your team before the last game (championship). You will not be able to get the players if you win the championship because you will move on to the next league. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Madden NFL 08 cheat codes.
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